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Friday 15 April 2016

10 Importants of coconut oil

1. Coconut oil for heart health
Coconut oil contains acids very important for the health of the heart called the 'lauric acid' which has great potential locating your heart in a healthy condition and fun to control cholesterol / bad cholesterol in heart and body in general. Lauric acid increases the presence of good cholesterol the body known as professional as High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) while ikiishusha the cholesterol worst known also for professional as Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) which is important for heart health as he says Lovisa Nilsson, an expert in nutrition the Lifesum.

2. Coconut oil increases the power system Digestive
This is one of the benefits of coconut oil I love more. Yes coconut oil pouring able to help control excess weight because these oils are easy digested and virtually ice-free as are other heavy oil (fatty acids) that supports it to remove excess body weight. Due to this act of increasing the body's ability kukimeng'enya food, the people who use it this oil every day cooking their foods usually have a normal weight. Robb says Geeta Sidhu, a nutritionist and founder of Nosh Detox.

3. Coconut oil is skin-shine
It is not only part of the body inside beneficiaries and this coconut oil, as did other natural oils, if you want to have a beautiful skin and healthy waxing and a natural appearance of the cat then coconut oil daily to your skin, fat coconut heavily in killing bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can harm the skin in any form, this is the fuel for the entire body to all skin that is anointed the face, the body, the hair and nails. You are also allowed to apply this oil during the registration.

4. Increases the body's energy
Coconut oil is a good source of energy for the body as it tend to float in small quantities in the blood 'medium chain triglycerides - MCT' where this makes them shipped directly to the liver where it is used as a source of quick of power or badililishwa be ' ketones' which is brain food. So if you are looking for a lift then lift your energy taken teaspoon of coconut oil to put on your cup of juice or porridge and you will see wonders.

5. Mubadala cooking oil healthy
Unlike sunflower oil or olive oil to cook food for coconut oil is more healthy. The oil has a greater ability to burn and still yakabaki nutrients thereof as usual even after being burned or burned in the fire, this is that oil like olive that can be eaten even being green but yanapochomwa in fire then its quality decreases or in other words producing toxic waste as with many things, but this does not happen vinapounguzwa coconut oil!

6. It is a good oil to use oil unloving exposure to animals
It's not only cook with coconut oil is what brings healthy, but also is conducive to less oil would use oil as Mubadala and animal exposure to butter or other items you Opaka on eating bread. This Except for coconut oil because it remained difficult even in normal room temperature unlike other oils.

7. prevents many illnesses dangerous body
As in curtailing cholesterol, coconut oil constitutes the greatest potential in the prevention and treatment of other diseases because of a large amount of acid called lauric acid.

Much research has continued to prove that this is lauric acid is converted to other fatty acids known as professional as 'monolaurin' which has characterized the control and preventing certain viruses as HIV, including access them and kuzidhuru body cells and cause illness body. To treat HIV is recommended to drink 4 glasses of coconut milk each day for a period of three to four months and you will see wonders.

8. Hutibu problem of memory loss
This can ikakushangaza little is heard for the first time but many studies have shown that coconut oil constitutes kuziamusha capacity and activity of the brain cells and in doing so will prevent problems of madness or madness (dementia) and memory loss (Alzheimer).

9. Serve dry vaginal lubricants
Coconut oil has many uses highly digestible more than 100, no women have the problem of having a vagina is dry all the time even if they stirred what remains is dried, to eliminate the problem anointed coconut oil in your vagina and you will see the benefits of it again without any side effects negative .

10. Helps in allergic disease
If we say tell us all the benefits of coconut oil for sure we will not, one of its advantages zinazoshangaza many are able to control the symptoms of allergies, daily anointed coconut oil into the nose of you and see if you sneeze when you are close to what kinachokuletea allergy / allergic.

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